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A thousand stories meander and coexist in the piano room. Centuries can pass in a matter of moments, and here we are, in the ruins of an old museum, where strange characters traverse the stage and the many floors. A great avalanche of images that flows inexorably and slowly towards the cold end of a winter inside. Ontological treatises on death and climate take the audience and actors on a journey that unfolds through superimposed figures, songs and small circus tricks. The technique of the ‘double bottom’ with a self-irony typical of the art circus takes the drama out of the hopeless feeling of being frozen on this planet. In this way, the show pushes the boundaries of formal representation and questions itself in order to find a way out of itself and its unusual ghosts.
Experience the eagerly awaited Austrian premiere of Ensemble My!Laika’s play ‘Winter’ at the KRAPOLDI Festival in Innsbruck, where for the first time two impressive circus tents will provide an unforgettable experience in the wonderful Rapoldi Park!

Actors:inside: Philine Dahlmann | Salvatore Frasca | Edoardo Demontis | Maristella Tesio
Technique: Manue Guilbert
Duration: 70 minutes
My!Laika circus company

My!Laika | FR, IT

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Shows & Tickets

Wednesday, 28.8.2024 | 21:00 - 22:10 Buy Tickets
Thursday, 29.8.2024 | 20:30 - 21:40 Buy Tickets
Friday, 30.8.2024 | 21:00 - 22:10 Buy Tickets